15 Feb What Is A Bare Root Hedge
Many plants do exist in this world. However, not all of them have the same characteristics. This has led to consumers asking many questions, such as what is a bare root hedge? A bare root plant means a plant that has exposed roots instead of being covered by the soil. These plants are normally available within a certain period of the year, which is between November and April. This period is also referred to by the gardening world as the dormant season.
The dormant season typically makes it possible for plants to be easily moved, stored, and also replanted without damaging the root system of the plants. This has made it possible for many people to enjoy a wide variety of advantages when they choose this type of plant, as highlighted below.
Bare rooted plants normally require fewer resources during production, which includes fertilizers, packaging, and water. This makes it possible for one to save both money and time. The bare roots also weigh significantly less, which makes it cheaper to ship. This advantage also makes the retail price of the plants affordable, especially for complex and lengthy landscaping tasks over large areas.
Since bare roots typically take up a smaller amount of space when compared to pot-grown or even root balls, then their nurseries can carry a wider selection of such plants, which has resulted in a greater variety for customers when it comes to hedging species. This is not the case with other plants that normally require ample space, thus limiting the production of numerous species.
The other advantage of this plant type is that the root mass is more significant compared to other grown plants. The great this about having a huge root mass is that the crops will absorb more minerals and also nutrients. This ensures that you have a healthy as well as a thriving hedge.
The plants are known to be lightweight, meaning that you will not have a hard time lifting them. You will not have to add additional manpower when you wish to maneuver the hedging into the ground. You also have to note that the plant has low maintenance requirements. The minute you plant them when the ground is damp, the hedge will, in turn, establish themselves successfully without requiring constant watering.
The other nice thing about the hedging plant is that there is no transition from container soil to the local soil. You will not have to experience stunted growth as there would be no difference in the soils. The plants usually establish themselves fast as well as successfully. The roots initially grow without the soil surrounding them. They, therefore, can thrive and adapt quickly.
An important factor you need to note is that the hedging plant needs to be submerged on the ground as soon as they are delivered. Using bare roots is an efficient way to create a healthy hedge. When they are delivered to you, make sure that the roots are kept moist during the period that they will be exposed before planting them.