Hedge Maintenance

Cutting off hedges improves the appearance of a yard. When a hedge is appropriately pruned, its health is improved as the diseased and dead areas are reduced. When pruning, planters should ask themselves, how often do I need to cut my hedges? Hedges need to be...

It can be tough to keep your hedges looking good in the summertime. The heat and humidity can take their toll on even the healthiest plants. This blog post will discuss five ways to maintain your hedges during the hot summer months. 1. MulchingMulching is one...

When planting hedges, it is crucial to check whether there is enough room for growth. After the roots are established, planters need to evaluate the planting season to assess moisture availability for appropriate growth. It is also vital for planters to ask themselves a question...

Keeping your hedge beautiful, neat and healthy requires the correct balance of feed, water and outdoor conditions, but the correct pruning can also make or break plants. Hedges in the summer months need to be properly cut to allow the new growth to take over...

Hedges are great because they give you privacy and look really great. They may even increase the value of your property if they surround your home, or give your business a neat appearance that may help draw people in. They do require maintenance though, and...

Although most foliage grows dormant in the winter, there are a number of things that you can do to keep your outdoor greenery looking amazing year-round. This is certainly the case if you are the proud owner of new or existing hedges. Following is everything...

Hedges have long been an important part of landscaping. At one time, these were strategically planted and grown in order to create dense, property barriers to keep unwanted parties out. Now, however, people can cultivate them to create more privacy on their residential or commercial...

Hedges are great because they give you privacy and look really great. They may even increase the value of your property if they surround your home, or give your business a neat appearance that may help draw people in. They do require maintenance though, and...

Much as their name implies, privet hedges are meant to create a sense of privacy. These are often used to create attractive borders around lawns and properties that keep household residents blocked from view in a way that a traditional fencing structure cannot. Lush and...

Keeping your hedge beautiful, neat and healthy requires the correct balance of feed, water and outdoor conditions, but the correct pruning can also make or break plants. Hedges in the summer months need to be properly cut to allow the new growth to take over...